6055 new gen defining characteristics?

How do you tell that a 6055 is the latest version?
Are there any defining visual traits?
Can you look up any serial numbers?
If you are buying it new, the new boxes have a scene on the front that looks like if you were looking up from the deep ocean, the old ones were just plain multitone medium/light blue. If you are buying it used it would be hard to tell definitively as there are no differences that couldn't be upgraded to current. The changes are small, new power supply since last November, new magnet holder since February (in this case the old one was stronger/superior), new clamp since Oct 2010, new disk and drive unit since about the same time. In general it is small continuous changes and all are retrofittable. If it has the new box, it will have all the current changes as the box just changed around Apr 2012. If you open the pump and look at the side of the hexagonal motor body it does have a date code which is just month and year, 0212 for example. No date code means it is first production run from mid 2007.