6055 not powering 7091


New member
Hi Roger

Some help please..

I have an old model 6055.

I have tried two working 7091 controllers I had been using with a 6105 but they are not getting any power.

The 6055 works without the controller.

I checked the Din socket and i am getting a circuit with all the connections plugged in

The 1uf 100v capacitor is giving a voltage of 1.1v from the PSU set a 12v

however the grey wire is giving 0.05v. I am getting continuity from all connections however in the din socket.

Do you have a list of things I might check please?

So the controllers do work on a 6105 but not on the 6055?

I would make sure all wires are connected to the DIN and that the DIN is not damaged in any way. My first suspicion would be the controller. The factory does not give pin out data, the only info I have is that it is an 8V signal and one pin is a common, the other two are power to the controller and power from the controller.

In general I suspect the controller cables first, as the connections on the pump usually only go bad if they are corroded or a wire breaks off the back. I have also seen where the pins get pushed back and make no contact. However, based on what you say the read outs were, I suspect either the power supply is weak or dying so it cuts off with the added load of the controller, or a wire is broken in the pump cable as the voltage seems very weak. I might try the 6055 with your 6105 power supply to rule out a weak or dying power supply.
hi roger

yes i have 2 controllers both work on the 6105 but not on the 6055. I am using the 6105 psu. I just swapped pumps as I needed a smaller size

Any way you can get the voltages for each PIN at 12v so I can rule out a problem with the DIN please?

My understanding is 8.5V goes to the controller and at 100% 8.5V comes back, this is regardless of PS voltage so long as it is at least 10V. The factory does not give out much information on this and in general, I try another controller, another power supply, check that the solder connections are good and the pins did not push out the back of the DIN and if none of that does it, replace the 6055.100 motor block as it would then likely be a break or damaged wire in the cable.