6055 not working


New member
Hi all, Im sure this has been around before, but maybe I missed something in my research.... I have a 6055 in a wave box with a 7092 controller. Its been out of my tank for a few months and now that I have my tank set back up I went to put my wave box back in and.....nope.... not moving. I soaked it in vinegar for a day before hand, scrubbed every inch I could. I disconnected the controller to run straight power, it looks like it wants to move, pulsing every so often, I can hear and feel the motor, but its just not turning over. Is there anything that Im missing? Or any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!
When you soaked it, did you remove the impeller first? The usual cause will be calcium or salt crust that has hardened between the impeller and shaft it spins on. I would not pull to hard, soak it overnight in a 50/50 mix of warm water and vinegar to soften the deposits and pull gently with a twisting motion, if you pull the metal shaft out because the parts are fused, the pump could be ruined.
Hi Roger, Yes I did remove the impeller before I soaked it. I also scrubbed in the impeller housing. It does move freely on the metal shaft also. Like I said, it WANTS to move... it just aint movin... Also, when the impeller is pulsing like it wants to move, the housing gets warm...normal I think, being out of water and all... Just trying to give all info.
Have you tried it with no controller connected? If the pump is very new (made since Nov 2014) it will have a run dry sensor and may not work if out of water except to twitch slightly.