6055 power supply problem


Active member
I have a pair of 6055's and I am using them with 7091 controller.
This morning I noticed the flow and hum of the pumps didn't seem right.
One of the 6055's wasn't working.
After reconnecting everything, I noticed there was a green light on one of the power supplies, but not on the other. I swapped the power supplies around and it was the power supply that had gone out on one of the pumps.
Can this be repaired?
Can I fix it?

What should I do?
Do you live in the US? Is so and you are sure it didn't get wet and it is less than 2 years old, send it in to me and I will get it replaced. I just need the power supply.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
Positive I didn't get it wet, however I did buy it second hand and have no way to verify that it is less than 2 years old. I've only had it about 6 months.
So, I'm assuming it will not be a warrenty issue with me.
They can be bought from your website?