6055 Power supply


occasional member

On one of my 6055 power supplies, the LED has been yellow and dim for a few weeks and now it is out. A quick look this AM - the pumps was spinning but since the lights were out not sure it is was going up to speed, Sits behind a 7095. All four of my 6055's were recently cleaned.
What does it mean if the LED is out, just a bad LED or something else?
just checked it. The PS is putting out 24 VDC and the pump it is connected to is working. So I am guessing a bad LED or the circuit that drives it. How much if I wanted to replace the power supply?
They are not very expensive, they list for $41.85, given the circumstances I would gladly discount one for you.
Do I just send it to you? PM me the amount and I will send a check along with. I know I could find a post with the address but if you could could include that, it would be awesome.