6055 problem??


Premium Member
I need help,1 of my 6055 makes a ticking noise when going into night mode and has been doing this for a couple weeks.the weird thing is that if i move the magnet behind the tank just 1/4" it stops,,,any idea's?

BTW its controlled by a 7095.
Do you mean you slide the magnet holder up, down left or right or you pull it away from the glass 1/4"? Is the ticking rhythmic and continuous or just once or twice and it stops?
I think it continuous but not sure,,,,its a click.......click.........click........click then i uselly move the magnet to the side a little then it stops but the next night itll do it again.Ive always been up to fix it so not sure how long it go's on for.
My guess is that this is from the fish care function, every 20 seconds the prop should turn 1-2 revolutions to scare away fish. This could result in clicking if the drive unit is worn or very old and the prop as some free play on the magnet/plastic shaft it clips on. It should be tight on the shaft such that you can only turn it on the shaft with some force, it shouldn't move freely. It may also be the magnets are on thinner material and this compresses the rubber feet so noise is transmitting to the glass/acrylic more than it should, that would explain why moving the magnet helps. If the material is 1/4" or less you might try a pad of some rubber between the inside magnet and glass/acrylic. The other option would be the 6025.650 silence clamps, these are new and prevent the vibration of the pump from reaching the magnet and glass.
not sure it only does it every once in a while.Ill be picking up another 6055 friday that the wife is getting me for xmas.

ill be buying 2 of the new clips sooon.cant i just buy the rubber peices or do i need the whole clip?
thanks Roger
The clip is different, the rubber pieces won't fit in the old clip, the new clip is a back plate and the clip itself and each piece has 4 holes to recieve the rubber pieces.