6055 problem


New member
I have 2 6055 nano streams and both quit working. One of the pumps power supply does not light up. The other power supply does light up but when I swap the power supplies around neither pump will run. I am at a loss and believe I need to send both in for repairs. The pumps are not quite a year old. I bought them from a local distributor Fish and Other Ichthy Stuff in Oldsmar.

thanks for your help!
The pump is clean and the propeller spins freely. I clean it every 3 months. I was walking by the tank today and noticed the propeller not spinning.
Please send them in, obviously you have one dead power supply but the other is more of a mystery.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753

Include a note that has your return address and phone number.
Please send them in, obviously you have one dead power supply but the other is more of a mystery.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753

Include a note that has your return address and phone number.
I have the same problem. One power supply stopped working today, and the other one has not been working for a while. Can I send them in as well?
They would be under warranty if less than 2 years old, the power supplies are a consumable, they last about 3 years on average and have to be replaced, they are relatively inexpensive, about $40.