6055 shroud


New member
Are the 6055 and 6095 pumps identical aside from their shroud? Can I replace the shroud on my 6055 to the 6095 to make it a better fit in a 180 gal?
Their are 3 differences, the drive unit (propeller assembly), motor, and shroud. The motors are not incredibly different, the best way to look at the motors is they are like computer processors, the 2Ghz and 2.4 Ghz are from the same run, the 2.4Ghz ones just came out better. The 6095 motor blocks have a few extra hz (about 180 more rpms) and the shaft has to be more precisely centered because the drive unit uses a bigger magnet and the tolerances are much tighter. Basically, you could change the shroud and change the flow pattern, the flow will increase because it is less restrictive, but you will basically go from about 1450gph and a 4ft by 18" pattern to about 1750gph and a 30" cube pattern, I would not recommend the bigger propeller as it could be noisy and since the rpm will be lower, you wouldn't gain that much more.
for a 180 is it a better idea to sell off the 6055 and keep two 6095's in the tank or one 6095 and one 6155 or even a 6255. I would like to avoid selling off both pump because this is a public school project and funds are limited.

Basically my question is what is the best course of action to increase flow to appropriate levels in a 180 when dealing with previously mentioned equipment in a charity situation?

Thank you for all your help,
Anthony Pellegrini
Thanks for the explanation, Anthony.

I think 2 6095's are just enough for a 180 that will be free of any SPS. What I might suggest as an alternate course is to keep the 6055's and add a 6065, this will be cheaper and should provide plenty of flow even for some SPS since these pumps are higher velocity flow. If you want to call me next week, we are happy to help with school tanks. 512-833-7546

Thank you for the help I would love to get in contact with you and will give you a call Monday after school 3:30 central time.