6080 problem


I've had a 6080 running now for about 4 months I've cleaned it once and today I noticed it not working. Actually I first notice a oil ike slime on the water surface then founfd the pump not working. So I unplugged it opened it up and removed the impeller shaft and smelt kind of a electric fire type smell. I cleaned it washed off and then plugged it in my sink and it stared back up.
What should I do, I'm fearing putting it back in the tank due to the oil on the surface. Have you had this problem before? SHould I return it to the dealer I bought it from and get a new one.
Thanks Erik,
I'd hate to see my tank without one of these super pumps in it
Send it to me, I can run a full series of tests and have it sent back to you within 24hrs. If it doesn't pass the tests I will replace it but do not use it if their is really something wrong. This would be very strange because the pumps should shut off if they overheat.
The dealers are not authorized to replace products, that is a decision I have to make.

Tunze USA
1304 Monica St
Austin TX 78758
Well, with just me and Dave here their isn't much confusion, it isn't necessary to put it to anyones attention really.
ok, I see. Im pretty sure something is wrong with it as my corals are looking really stress right now. time for a water change