6091 stopped working?


In Memoriam
So overnight my wavebox stopped working it seems

When the powerhead isnt connected to the 6091 then it turns fine, it also jerks (every 20sec) when connected to the controller but i cant seem to get it to turn back on. The red light for the "pump on" is on and the green light is on but the "wave" light doesnt turn on anymore. ideas?
The most common cause of this would be water damage to the controller, but it can also be a fault of the pump or controller cable. I would try the slave cable of the controller and open the controller and check if water has entered and there is a salt crust inside the controller. I would also disconnect the photocell if one is connected for the purpose o testing. The jerk every 20 seconds is the fish care function. What you describe sounds a lot like water entered around the foodtimer button or into the photocell socket.
you sir are a scholar and a gentlemen!
i opened it up, water got in the food timer section, cleaned it up a bit, and now its working again!