6095 and 6105


New member
Anybody have both and can send a photo of the size comparison? are the 6105 really HUGE compared to the 6095? plan on buying 2 for the waterbox 130.4.
I have 2x6095 on my waterbox 130/4 that is more than enough flow. I have them on the back wall 2 inches in from corner work great
As a general rule, the 6095's are what I would use in a 4ft tank and you would be able to keep SPS, 6105's generally are ideal for a 180-250.
Roger so two one on each side back wall facing down length wise at each other plus my 2return nozzles pointed some way a third 6095 in middle back or lower back? Or just 6095 each side plus my cor20 dual return nozzles facing corners
Pointing pumps at each other tends to not be very effective, the best would be that they are about 8" from the top, angled very slightly up, back corner to the front pane 3ft away, about a ft shy of diagonal corner to corner, this creates a rolling current rather than a hit and bounce back which is also basically a waste of flow. We want to avoid hard impacts and instead create a rolling current. You will then generally idle one pump at 30% while pulsing the other from 30-100% every few seconds and alternate them every 6 hours, the alternation mimics tides, the pulsing mimics waves.
Ok sweet. And I'm guess my returns just point them to corner front glass pointed slightly up as well. Trying to avoid clashing with the tunze flow

crap i dont know how to add a photo
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something like this?

30% and then other is pulsing from 30 to 100 for 6 hours then swap


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