60x26x24 A.G.E upgrade-

thanks for the compliment. I have been working on getting my canopy done this weekend. I finally got it hung about 11:30pm christmas eve. Santa had to work around me because there was no way I was going to have family show up Christmas day and not have lights on the tank. No corals in it, but there was lights. Today I got a chance to move about a dozen corals up into the tank and tidy up a few things on the wiring. Hopefully I will get some pics worth posting in the next couple of days
I have been dragging my feet about updating this thread, I was a little busy between Christmas and new years. One of the original agreements with the wife is that she would get a new room downstairs if I got a new tank. So, now that the tank is about 99% done, that project has been keeping me a little busy

this is what the basement looked like a couple of week ago


progress up to now


Also, I have been a little more serious about my QT tank after my experience earlier this year with redbugs and nudibranchs. Although, up until Christmas, it was just a 5g tank sitting on a couple of concrete blocks and piece of plywood. I had a huge batwing reflector hanging over it with a 250w Mh. I knew I was going to have to reclaim the ballast for the display tank, so I ordered some of those DIY LED kits from aquastyle. I ordered a kit with 2 dimmable ballast, 7 whites and 7 blue LEDs, and a black heatsink. I also ran over to radioshack and got a DC computer case fan with blue LEDs in it. The kit is pretty cool, and most of it appears decent quality, except for the pots for the ballast. They are poor quality and cause the lights to flash and flicker when you turned the knob. I could not fin a suitable replacement locally, so I luckily I was able to take them apart and doctor them up a little so they work better, but still not great.

After I got the light fixture built, it looked pretty good, but then I got the urge to put a little better stand. but I didnt want to take up any floor space for a little 5g tank, so I ran to Lowes yesterday morning and got some shelving. Not too bad for a weekend project.


(Guess I really should paint that nasty wall)


How do you plan to keep the frag QT stable?

I'm planning on a smaller setup for my frag QT too with several dippings before entering frag tank/DT. I'm still building my setup but am thinking for the QT that I'll just put my drain line of my automatic water changer to the frag tank. That should keep the frag qt stable but isolated from the system. Only thing then I would have to monitor is the SG and would likely have to top off with some RO/DI from time to time.
In my original layout, I was going to use the drain water from an auto water changer too. However I know that having to monitor and adjust the salinity due to evap was something that I would slack on. So I scrapped that idea.

Here is my routine that have used to keep the tank stable for several months.
I have actually been using this QT tank set up for about 6 months and so far I have never lost an sps in it. average time in Qt is 4-6weeks.

Initial fill is with display tank water, and a large piece of live rubble. I manually top off the evap water every day or two, and this keeps the salinity stays dead stable. I just keep a bucket of fresh ro/di next to the tank, and once a day I dunk a cup in the bucket and top off, if I miss a day, its not that big of a deal.

About once per week or two I change out 50%(2.5gs) of the water, using display tank water.

I have a small HOB filter that I use to run carbon in when I feel it necessary, especially when first putting new frags in that may be putting off toxins due to stress.

At 4-6 weeks, once I have determined the frags are clean, I remove the frags, dip them one more time just to be sure (I have found nudi's after 6 weeks of no siteings), put them into the frag tank. The QT tank gets drained, cleaned, and refilled. I take the piece of live rock rubble out and throw into the dry rock rubble pile on the shelf, and replace it with another piece of live rock rubble from the sump. I have about 30-40lbs of rubble, so there is no chance of running out. Eventually the dry rubble will be cured again and put back into the sump. (may take a couple of years)
the main circulation pump is a panworld 200. probably the best pump I have ever owned. Its a little loud, but its fine in the basement.

Here are 2 bad shots of the canopy, I need to get some better pics. In these 2 I have laid black paper in the insets to see if I wanted to paint them black. We couldnt find a thin ply to match the grain on the stand with the time crunch we were under because of Christmas. So, I can either try and find a better wood and redo it, or possibly paint it back.

with center piece


which one do you guys like?
Jason, that is actually the same metal stand I got from you. I cut it down to 32" tall and rewelded it, then just had my father skin it with some nice wood.

He also built a black trim piece to go along the bottom of the tank. It looks like its a piece of trim on the tank.
I have decided that I wanted to go with Radiums, and my old DIY 250w magnetics werent going to cut it, so I purchased a pair of the Lumatek 250/400W dimmable ballast. I plugged them in yesterday, and wow, it was like I added a couple extra bulbs. I dont know if they are that much better, or if my old ballast was just that weak. I figure I will run the 10K's for a couple more weeks to get some good growth laid down before I switch over to the radium bulbs.

Then today, I got my point and shoot camera out and tried to take a some decent shots




Here is shot of how I mounted the canopy, very clean lines.

