6100 Stream parts ?


New member
Roger, I just came home and had a MAJOR sandstorm.It seems that one of my 6100 streams came unmounted and was blowing straight into the bottom of the tank.It was weird because it still had the mounting rail attached to it.

I need the part numbers for the 2 long screws that mount the rail to the tank.The two that act as a clamp on the top. One of them is ok, but the other broke off close to the head so I figure I might as well replace both of them.

Do I order them from you , or is this a part that Champion or Marine Depot would have?

I've never heard of this happening before, guess I'm the lucky one...hehehe

Use the metal ones so it won't ever happen again, if the pump is one of the older ones they weren't included but just aboout everyone stocks them as part 3000.244. Be sure and clean out the sand from the pump.
Is that the part number for the metal ones?? or the plastic ones ?

My 6100 stream is only about 8 months old. I checked on marine depot, and this doesn't look like the kit I have, but maybe Its the right screws .
3000.244 is the Oceanic/All Glass install kit, I know for sure MD has it but it may not be on the website, I can't remember exactly when they started to include the screws, I think it was in May. It has 2 stainless steel screws with an anodized coating, usually the plastic ones break from being overtightened which is often done because the short screws barely fit, the metal ones are 10mm longer.
After looking on marine depot, it looks to me that part No.3000.260
is like what I have now. The 3000.244 screws will fit this ?

Sorry to be a pest , just want to order the right part.

Thanks again Roger
Oops, looks like you had replied already. I'll order 2 sets to retrofit both of my streams.

You type toooo fast ....lol