6105 Died


New member
Hi All,
So i have two 6105's and one of them recently stopped working. I tried switching cables (power cable and connector cable to apex) on the two units and when this happened the one that had stopped still didnt start up. What can I do about this? Are there any trouble shooting tips that I haven't thought of? Thanks in advance for all the help here!

How old is the 6105? Are you sure the drive unit (magnet and propeller) are not frozen to the metal shaft by calcium? They should spin freely on the shaft.
Yes, however the bath will only do much good if the pump is disassembled first, you want to remove the prop and magnet so the vinegar can get to lime deposits deep in the pump.
Hi roger,
So I've got the power head soaking in as mix of vinegar and water right now. Before I reinstall the unit in the tank I want to test it and make sure it's working properly. Can I test the unit outside of the tank ( dry? ) without damaging it? I figured I would check before doing so. Also if the cleaning doesn't fix the power head what is the next step in fixing the unit? Thanks for all the help.

So got the power head cleaned up and it works like a champ. Looks brand new and is producing more flow than my other one. I plan on doing this like every 6 months from now on. Thank you for the help!!
A quick dry test won't hurt it. In general they need cleaning every 4-6 months in a reef, every year in a fish only or freshwater tank.