6105 running intermittently


New member
I'm running two 6105, and two 6055 on a multicontroller 7095 on a 140 gallon.
The problem I'm having is one of the 6105 shuts off after about 3 seconds. I'm running on interval 1, but have tried all the selections, including sequential with the problem 6105 in the #1 spot. I have even ran it solo on another tank with its own 7095 and same thing, it starts but shuts off after about 3 seconds. any suggestions?
I would first check that it is not just stuck, remove the drive unit and be sure the magnet/prop portion spins easily on the metal shaft, if it is stuck to the shaft by debris or lime deposits this will trigger a safety shut down. If that is not the cause, the motor may have a defect.
Thanks Roger, I cleaned the pump overnight; disassembled it today only to find a little rust on the shaft, and slightly pitted on the lower portion. not much, just slightly. Though the impeller seems to spin freely. I reconnected the pump and it still shuts off after about 3 seconds. The pump was purchased from Marine Depots and is only 8 months old. Thanks for all the help!
Please send in the pump and if it cannot be repaired, we will replace it.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753