6105 Stream issue


New member

I purchased 2 Used 6105's from a fellow reefer here on RC. Unfortunately one of the pumps is not working.

Upon plug in, the pump worked for a few minutes, ramped up and down in speed, locked up then actually POPPED and smoked.

Thankfully I was testing them outside of my display tank. I was looking for a date stamp on the pump but I cannot seem to find one. I have made an inquiry to the original owner for a copy of the receipt.

Can you tell me where I can find a date stamp on the 6105 and what the warranty process is considering I bought them second hand?

Jeff :worried:
The date stamp is on the side of the hexagonal body that houses the motor (you must remove the propeller housing to see this). It is actually pressed into the plastic in month/year format. The very first pumps made from Nov 2008-Apr 2009, have no date code.

What you describe though may not be the end of the road, inside that housing is a capacitor, if it gets even a bit of water or salt creep it will pop and smolder. It can be replaced for $25 if you are out of warranty.

On 2nd hand equipment warranty is only by manufacture date and is 2 years. The receipt would not be valid as we have no way to authenticate it.
So safe to say that if I can't find a date code anywhere, it's out of warranty? I looked all over with flashlight and no luck.

Thanks for the help - the seller is going to have to figure this one out unfortunately.

Thanks again,
I got your voicemail and I am puzzled, from your post I was under the impression the cable end fizzled. Your voicemail sounds like the pump itself fizzled which is very odd, I can only imagine this happening if the motor had some sort of crack in the polyurethane resin. In that case the only repair is a new motor which runs about $150.
Yeah, under closer inspection, I can see a crack in the motor. That is 100% what is wrong. That is the guts that came out of the crack when it popped.

How do I go about buying a new motor?
