6105 stream issue


My 6105 stream had become seized up with caco3 build up. When I removed the impeller the titanium Rod came out with it. I know this is supposed to be fixed. However After cleaning I replaced all the parts and it Seem to be working well again. I am not sure whether I should have glued the rod in but I just pushed it in. Should I glue it in and if so what glue should I use? The unit is around 2 years old so and I am not sure if it is still under warranty.
The warranty is 2 years, in general I have had the best luck, assuming the fit is still relatively tight, by cleaning everything well and being sure the socket and shaft are clean and dry. I use a drop of super glue on the end of the shaft and I use a punch with a recess and a very light weight hammer, a tacking or small ball peen hammer is fine and tap it in with a half dozen light straight taps. This will usually hold very well if the socket was not damaged.
Thanks thought about super glue but was not sure if a glue with some more flexibility in it considering all the movement on the impeller might not be better but I will go ahead with the super glue if it is out of warranty.