6105 troubleshooting


New member
Hi, one of my 6105s has recently stopped working. The power supply's jumper light is blinking really fast when the pump is powered.

I've followed your advice from various posts in this forum (clean, inspect, swap impeller, swap power supply, etc) and narrowed it down to the following:
  • the actual pump block is dead
  • the pump's connection box (with the DIN-5, power and pot) is dead

I was wondering if there was a safe way to teporarily bypass the connection box to confirm that the pump itself still works.

Thanks in advance
In general a blinking power supply means the pump is jammed so it need more than the 50W the power supply can provide, it is an overload indicator. The most likely culprit is that the magnetic rotor and prop are stuck to the metal shaft/axle it is supposed to spin on. The shaft is a static part, the magnet spins on the shaft.

The other two are possibilities but less likely, the furthest I would take testing that is opening the junction box and looking for any water damage, if their is water damage, that is very likely it, if not, it is likely a short in the motor.