6201 not working


Premium Member
hey roger

i traded some equipment with another guy on here and ended up getting a 6201. Long story short i cant get it to work.

I disassembled it and soaked in vinegar. When i plug it in the prop turns about 1/10 of a turn and stops with nothing else happening.

Here is the disassembled pump

Also where the pump and power supply connect does that look right? I havent used the larger streams since the originals. Is there a case or something that is missing? Seems weird that it would be left exposed

thanks for any help/suggestions
The thing that jumps out at me is that in the hole in the pump there appears to be a 3000.610 and probably 3000.612 under it and yet next to the pump you have another set, if there are two that could be a culprit. The cable end should have a plastic cover over it, the wiring is not exposed.
I think there is only one of each.

Here is another picture of the pumps inside zoomed in. Thanks for any insight
That is correct, my guess would be something is electrically wrong, do you know if the power supply is working (putting out 24VDC)
The motor has died and will need to be replaced, I would send it in as it may be under warranty.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
Received the new motor today. Works great! Thanks for everything I can't say enough good stuff about u guys