6208 wavebox or 6105+controller?


New member

I'm starting a 125 g. 6 foot tank in the next weeks, and I'm interested in buying a Tunze system.

I don't know what would be better suited to have a good waterflow for a mixed reef tank.

Here are the options I figured out:

1x 6105 pump + single controller (I don't have the money to buy two 6105) + 1400 gph pump + 1050 gph pump (I already own these two pumps).


6208 wavebox + 1400 gph pump and 1050 gph pump (I already own these two pumps).

So, I would like to know if a single 6105 could do a great job in a 125 g. 6-foot tank, or of the 6208 wavebox would be better suited.

On a tank that size I could not really recommend a single pump set up, that can work fine on a cube but on a 6ft tank, all the debris will accumulate on the far end and running a 6105 at full power to reach the far end is likely too much for many corals closer to the pump. I would instead piece together a set step by step, start with a 6095, add a 7096 and then another 6095. The 6208 is a great unit, but it is an additive to an existing directional flow set and should not be the main flow of the tank in most cases. It creates a wave which is very effective at suspending detritus but the lack of direction to the flow means that a directional current is still needed and the existing pumps are a bit underpowered for the tank size.
Thank you for your answer.

I think I'll do exactly as you're saying, that is buying the system step by step.

Should I go, in the long term, with two 6095s, or two 6105s? I could start either with a 6095 + controller or with a 6105 + controller, and then by another one in a couple of weeks. What would be better?

I would of course supplement the single 6095 or the single 6105 with my koralias 1400 and 1050 until I get the other Tunze pump. Would this be ok?

Unless you plan a bigger tank soon or all SPS, I see no reason to go with the 6105's.
Ok, so I'll go with a 6095 and a controller, and then buy another 6095 when I have the money.

Thank you for your help!