6215 wavebox placement


New member
Have a question regarding 6215 wavebox placement in a 150gal 60"*24"*24" with center over flow and a Herbie style double drain, currently placed wavebox in back corner facing overflow. Will this cause huge variations iof warter levels In center overflow ?? Have emergency drain 1" down from overflow teeth and don't want huge gurgling noises..
If I understand correctly the overflow is centered on the back wall? I would place the wave box forward of the overflow as it needs to be aimed down the longest point to accurately tune it. With the wave tuned properly the middle of the tank will see very little change in level so splash should be minimal, the wave will be like a see saw and the middle height stays fairly constant.
Thnx roger , I had the wavebox in corner facing the overflow directly ...I'll move it forward of the overflow .thnx again