62g in Wall sps build

What does educationand intelligence have to do with posting on a hobby forum derived by hobbyist's?

(Wish to compare education? I will upload mine, howver if you have more than three, or a PhD I will back off and declare you the winner)

My post was a rant in response to a giant trend with this hobby, the people who see a movie, watch tanked, and go ahead and acquire a tank and stick clownfish and Pacific blue tangs in there moments later.

The poster, or creator , originator..what have you had live stock in there withing a week of starting a tank, no biofilter, no stability etc. Fish were lost, which is fine, we all learn, but the response was, oh well, I'll just get more. As if, as long as you have the funds, losing life, is ok, as if it were an inanimate object, not living.

Sorry I feel for life, and feel awful when I lose fish, even in a cycled, matured tank. That feeling is exponentially magnifies when it is done with zero remorse.

That's the reason I said it, not to be a snob, or any other noun presented. Make it out to be something else, deflect what I was really getting at, make it out to be about IQ, real point is a lot of people relate fish casualties to no big deal, money can buy more.

Won't be around much longer?? For pointing out the truth? Where are the quarantine police? How do tang guardians manage to stay around.
Lastly, I hope one day to have so much time on my hands that I can literally spend more than 1 hour deciding what kind of trim molding to use on my tank.

Then again, would never allocate unnecessary resources to a wall build either. Maybe if I move out of state, where I don't pay 16k in property tax I could.

Perhaps Florida I could, having gone to grad school in Gainesville, I know every other house in Florida is vacant, and houses down there cost a fraction of what they do in Jersey.

Then again, bottom 5 state in education, highest prescription drug use rate, I'll keep my house and sacrifice nice moulding
You've been here for all of five minutes and want to show everyone who you really are? There are many different ways you could have conveyed your message, instead you chose to say things in a deliberately offensive manner.

Good job. I would not get too comfortable around here, I dont think you'll staying long.

Please put to use your Yale education and rewrite the last sentence you constructed. Does not make any sense to me, that may be in part due to my lack of cognitive abilities, as you suggested in your aforementioned post.
I'm banking on the former..does the street go in both directions?
Please put to use your Yale education and rewrite the last sentence you constructed. Does not make any sense to me, that may be in part due to my lack of cognitive abilities, as you suggested in your aforementioned post.

I'm banking on the former..does the street go in both directions?

Your second post in this thread was a personal attack in violation of the User Agreement you were required to acknowledge before you could become a member and post. It's also littered with spelling errors.

Put** water in, not out. And after reading thru (through)it again, I naswered (answered) my own question and it now becomes a rhetorical one.

They died...and your comment was "wife's upset, which means I just have to get more LOL" a finicky fish to begin with in an uncycled tank, and you wonder why you had a bloom.

The more I read the more I hate the hobby and people.

But hey cool build, in a wall, great, I'm sure the fish that succomb (succumb) in those deplorable, uncycled conditions admired the modern, fashionable look of there (their) wet grave.

You probably wont be here long since you violated the UA in a stupid personal attack and the Mods and staff will most likely ban you sooner or later. Since you've doubled down on the personal attacks you're broadcasting your impulse control issues and short attention span all over this thread. This only increases the chances of you being banned/"Moved On" and the speed at which it will happen.

If you can calm down enough to rationally and intelligently read my posts, I didnt personally attack you, I criticized your actions in this thread.

At this point, you really have two options:

1...Put down the shovel, apologize to The OP of this thread and quietly back away

2...Keep digging and get the ban you're pushing towards.

This is a great community and an awesome resource. You can stay and learn alot from people all over the world, but you're going to have to think before you post.

I havent reported your posts as of yet, but I'd be surprised if someone else hadnt already. A public apology and no further issues might prevent you from being banned.

Your call.
Your second post in this thread was a personal attack in violation of the User Agreement you were required to acknowledge before you could become a member and post. It's also littered with spelling errors.

99 percent of my typing or posting is done on the phone. It picks and chooses to change spellings and wordings on me. I also have great difficulty reading the screen for errors when the phone and font is entirely too small for most to read.

I will move on, will not read this thread anymore, and will say no apology. Ban? Is that where they ban my user name, and I can go ahead and create a different username anyhow?


You probably wont be here long since you violated the UA in a stupid personal attack and the Mods and staff will most likely ban you sooner or later. Since you've doubled down on the personal attacks you're broadcasting your impulse control issues and short attention span all over this thread. This only increases the chances of you being banned/"Moved On" and the speed at which it will happen.

If you can calm down enough to rationally and intelligently read my posts, I didnt personally attack you, I criticized your actions in this thread.

At this point, you really have two options:

1...Put down the shovel, apologize to The OP of this thread and quietly back away

2...Keep digging and get the ban you're pushing towards.

This is a great community and an awesome resource. You can stay and learn alot from people all over the world, but you're going to have to think before you post.

I havent reported your posts as of yet, but I'd be surprised if someone else hadnt already. A public apology and no further issues might prevent you from being banned.

Your call.
I sense lots of anger in that poor guy. Thanks guys for the D. I am not as grammatically blessed as some of you guys, so i stayed quiet. After all I'm from Florida..

On other news, apparently the post office lost my skimmer pump. Talk about luck!!!!. According to then, it was delivered Monday June 27 at 1345hrs, however my cameras dont show the mailman untill 1600hrs.. thats a big time gap if you ask me. This us the 3rd package they loose for me in the last month. I had to go put a claim today for it, lets hope they miraculously find it.
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How about you post some pictures of your smokin hot corals and get this thread back on track?
Res bugs update = gone
Finally.. I did my second treatment last Tuesday, and i have not seen a single bug since. I'm debating if i should do a 3rd or is 2 enough. I sadly lost 90% of my shrimps, to include my fire and acro crabby :(. I tried to get them out but no luck.
Also after 2 weeks without a skimmer , or AF dosing i am back on track. USPS lost my pump and after a week of going daily to usps center asking for my package and speaking to managers, i just amazon primed.
Anyways here are some pics

Here is my Ponape. No way to get Perrys insane color on it. Also i think its getting to much flow due to the weird growth patterns it has.

HoC Dragon Slayer.. finally getting tips colored.

ASD milli

report those posts to a mod so they can be expunged!

I can't see the latest pictures, says photos have been moved. Glad to hear you got rid of the bugs.
Hey guys its been a while since i updated this thing i know, but i have been buay with the birth of my 2nd son :). I have just been skimming here and there over all the threads, so i have lots to catch up. Anyways here are some pics.
Still looking really good and a hearty congrats on number 2!
Good luck!
Thanks Matt. Its been hectic trying to juggle kids and the tank, but im doing in it. Trying to get some new sticks, and some to color up. My asd rainbow milli aint doing so good. I had to adjust dosing pump since.my alk was in the 5s, and i cranked it to much and alk went up to 8.9. Ever since then, its been crappy. I have lowered dosing to same amount as before and its holding at 8.3 now. Trying to lower it below 7.7, but im now dosing the same amout i was before increase. I suspect my demand is lower since i got rid of my 2 biggest colonies for space :). Hoping to get this fixed.
Looking very nice.

In the first pic, below, is that a named Lokani? Looks just like mine, which is why I'm curious.


That could be a Hawkins...

Hey Mark, yes as Matt said that is my hawkins. Its one of my favorites.