65 Gallon Reef Tank FS Full Setup, Sump, Refugium, Metal Halides, RODI, etc


New member
For Sale 65 gallon saltwater reef tank / fishtank with Saltwater Fish, Live Coral, sump, refugium, and RODI system $750.00 Video link at bottom of this post.

Local to Philadelphia only. I wouldn't want to risk anything dying/breaking during shipping.

Included: Everything needed for a saltwater system....
-65 Gallon plummed display tank
-40 Gallon Sump
-20 Gallon Custom Refugium with Custom Stand
-Refugium contains self sustaining plants and self sustaining food source- isopods and copeopods.
-Refugium feeds directly into the sump so that natural food is sucked back into the tank automatically.

-6 Stage Reverse Osmosis DeIonizer (RODI) filtration system

-Custom Hood for 65 Gallon Display tank with easy access panel, 2 large cooling fans on each side, and an open back for ample airflow.
-Included in the hood is 1 Metal Halide fixture with a 10K bulb, and 2 actinic fixtures with 2 actinic bulbs.

Metal Halide Ballast also included- currently mounted to the Tank Stand.
Also includes (2) 400 watt Metal Halide Ballasts, (2) 400 Watt Metal Halide Bulbs, and two reflectors.

A few months ago I fitted the hood with one of the 400 watt bulbs and ballasts, so I raised the height of the hood by tacking legs to the hood. Didn't want to burn any corals. Legs are easily removable as they're only tacked on.

-Tank Stand which provides an ample amount of storage space.

-Tank includes many different power heads (6 total) including two koralas.
-Tank also includes custom Halo made out of PVC so that the water disperses to many areas of the tank at once, rather than from one source.

Display Tank Contents:
-1 Damsel Fish (Black and White Variety)
-1 Coral Banded Shrimp- often hides under rock formations/caves
-Handfuls of Hermit Crabs
-Handfuls of snails
-1 Margarita Snails
-20 or so Mini starfish
-100's of Brittle Starfish
-100 lbs of live Rock
-30 lbs live sand

-Green Star Polyp
-Cabbage Leather
-Finger Leather
-Tabletop acropora
-Brown Montipora
-Waving Hand
-Pulsing Xenia (Pom Pom)
-Mushrooms of different types and sizes
-assorted multi-colored Zooanthids
-Kenya Tree
-Candycane with 25+ Heads
-Green Leather

Refugium Contents:
-Feather Dusters
-Refugium plants
-5 lbs Live Rock
-10lbs Live Sand

Sump contents:
-E.T.S.S Reed Devil Protein Skimmer with pump
-Mag 9 Return Pump
-Cap 1200 Pump
-6 Stage Reverse Osmosis DeIonizer
-Sump contains multiple baffles for reducing water resistance

Also included:
-Very Large storage bin filled with all Reef supplies and chemicals.
-Two Timers
-Two Power Strips
-Two Reverse aerators- They plug into the wall and while they have power, they are always off. If you lose power, the motor detects that, and they automatically turn on via battery to generate water movement.

-All chemicals/food/water jugs/buckets/salt included. Tank is fully established and has been running for 6 years. I will assist in the breakdown. I'm available for all questions. No additional equipment is needed for this tank.

Sorry, but I'm notplanning on parting this system out. Please email with any questions. I'll try to get a picture of the tank up as quickly as possible. In the meantime, here's a video from a few months ago. The only changes I recall from the date I shot the video to today is that I no longer have the clownfish and serpeant stars, and I've drastically cut back the waving hand and pulsing xenia coral. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbqWSBx_23Q

