Two year old 65 Gallon Fish Tank with stand, included with the tank for gear: Nova Extreme T5 Light with 6 "“ 6 month old bulbs, Deltec MCE 600 skimmer that is an absolute beast, Aqueoun Pro 200 heater, Two Hydor Koralia Pump/Powerhead, Eheim ECCO Pro 300 External Canister Filter, four power strips, two digital timers for T5 light, digital thermometer, Tom Aquatics Multi-Tool Algae Scraper, Mag-Float Scraper Magnet Cleaner, an assortment of supplements and media. Now for the livestock: a fat and happy clown tang, a red fairy wrasse I've had both for two years, clown fish that I have had for three years, cleaner shrimp, an assortment of hermit crabs and snails, plenty of corals, 30 pounds or so of sand, 80 pounds or more of live rock. $775 or best offer. I will sell everything separately; live stock first, then anything after that. Email me for prices