7094 issues-



I am trying to set up a couple of 6100's with my 7094 controller. Both pumps power up when connected to input #8 and #10, and respond to the power settings of rotary knob "b". However, they won't switch to the settings of rotary knob "a". Switch is set to "pulse" and I have played with the pulse rotary knob but no changes.

Might I be able to easily open the case of the 7094 to look for loose connections, dirt, etc.? I removed the 4 screws from the back but case doesn't open very easily- can I just pop off the white knobs?

Thanks for your help, Roger!

Usually the cause of this will be a shorted photocell connection or the photcell is connected and in a dark location. You just need to pop off the knobs to open it. A tip on this, turn all the knobs fully clockwise or counter clockwise before you do so, it makes it much easier to reinstall them correctly.
thanks so much Roger!

I was able to get the cover off. I do not have a photocell; is there a way to override or fix the photocell by myself if it is shorted?


Typically salt creep has shorted it out and you would just use contact cleaner and compressed air to clean the socket.