7094 operation question


Premium Member
Hi i am trying to get a slower switch rate out of the 7094 controller and cant figure it out.
In my tank 125g 6 foot tank i have 2 6100's one on each side pointing at each other and they switch in pulse mode every 5 secs or so.but i would like atleast a minute or alittle longer intill the switch.how do i set the controller?
i thought i could do this through low and high tide setting.but dosent seem to work.
Little more info..heres how i have it set up
plugs in sockets 9 and 11 set to tide mode -><- interval switch @ 1-7 minutes i have the knob turned to min (i assume 1 minute)
the lights ubove sockets 8-10 stay lit and never switch to 9-11 the second pump never comes on.

I have always used the controller in pulse mode and never had a problem intill trying this other mode i assume is not working.please lmk what you think.
Thats what i meant 8-11 i have been messing around with it for awile now and it just dont want to switch.I did clean the contacts and switched cords with no change.
I would try disconnecting the pumps from power and be sure the cables are firmly connected. The green interval LED should be on if both pumps are properly connected.
its working now!i took it apart and cleaned it with contact cleaner.and reversed the pumps in the outlets.now it working.i think i may have a bad cord.
Could be, it doesn't take much corrosion in the socket or cord to cause a problem. You may have it but if it acts up again. Someone posted that they sell these cables at radio shack and the best part was they were color coded.