7095 on a Wavebox?

A 7095 cannot directly run a wavebox, it is possible to change the 6091 controller to extern mode and connect the slave cable to the 7095 so the multicontroller can alternate between wavebox and pumps in interval mode, but the 6091 would still be required. The 7096 is the only multicontroller that can directly run a wavebox and bypass the 6091.
You would open the 6091 (the wavebox manual shows this) and inside is a jumper and some pins, just like on old hard drives when you used to have to designate them as master or slave and set the boot sequence. It is labeled on the board and one pair is synchron (synchronous), the next pair is inverse and the last pair is extern. This is a rarely used option as most users want the wavebox running all the time, the only use of this function is in a huge tank where you may have multiple waveboxes you want to alternate between to change wave direction or where you want to alternate between waveboxes and stream pumps. The only 7095 program that will utilize this feature is interval 1.
I was thinking of pulling the pump out of the WB and buying a magnet holder because I dont get a very large wave from it. I probably need a WB extension,its in a 72L x 24W x 30H. The wave dies out by the time it gets to the other side. I figure I could utilize the pump and still get some good flow from it.
You should be able to get a good wave, make sure the top is sticking out about 3/4" so it can take in air and it is all in the timing, there is exactly one right frequency and you have to take time to find it. Also be sure you don't have any big obstacles between the outlet and the far end of the tank.

Using the wavebox pump as a powerhead will cause the transformer to burn out in short order. You would need to either downgrade the propeller to 6105.700 or upgrade the transformer to 6300.240. You can basically run it as a 6105 with a larger outlet cover or fully upgrade it to a 6305, but run continuously it is a 50W pump on a 50W power supply and it won't last long, it relies on the controller cycling it so it averages 25W to make this combo work.