7096 and 6095 programming issues


New member
Hi, I have setup a new 300L tank (EHEIM INCPIRIA MARINE) and decided to go with 2x6095 pumps plus 7096 controller. The pumps are great but the software unfortunately does not do what it was supposed to. I am running the Mac OS X drivers and the software does not have the "ramp" option nor the "random flow" one. Additionally, every time I press "receive from unit" the unit does not update and I usually have to press "send to unit" several times before the new program is acknowledged by the pumps. Also, I have turned on "storm cycle" but never actually have seen it in action...

Any help would be deeply appreciated.

Kind regards

The OSX version was programmed by a college student who was interning and he quit a few years ago, as a result it has never been updated (ramp and random flow were later Windows updates), receive from unit never worked, it was a bug in the original OSX version. Storm mode is described in the PDF manual on the CD Rom, it is very brief and since it only occurs every few hours to days, it is not likely you will notice it but it should work. For now the only option to have all modes is to use it on Windows, however, once you update it for Windows, it will no longer work on OSX as OSX will not recognize the later firmware that must be installed.

We have a new programmer and he is working on an update, a new controller is in the works and will work on OSX, iOS, Android 3 and later and Windows 8 and Mobile, after this is released the goal is to go back and apply these platform updates to the 7096.

FWIW, I use Macs, so I advocate for updates for OSX, however, worldwide iOS and OSX are not the major players they are in the US, Android and Windows dominate, so it is not always easy to get people in a country where OSX is about 5% of computers and iOS is probably a quarter of mobile devices to see the importance. As someone who has reached out in the past to try to find a programmer or conversion solution, it starts at about $20K, so for the small global base, it is very hard to get priority. It will come, at least on the next controller generation, and since now all software is written in house by an employee, updates should be consistent for all platforms. They do hope to adapt the new software to the 7096, however the 7096 has some differences that prevent a simple install of the next gen software.
Thanks... That was extremely helpful. One of the most comprehensive and detailed answers I have had. It is a pity I did not now in advance though. If I had known I might have gone for another controller. Anyway, great news about the new controller. I own a Vortech MP10 in a nano tank and in terms of operating modes I must. Infests that even without the computer interface the Vortech blows the 7096 out of the water. I still prefer the Tunze however, and would not go back to the Vortech as I value operating quietness and am not a bit fan of having the unsightly motor and power cord hanging on the glass. However, if the new Tunze controller bumps up the operating modes to the level of the Vortech and is iOS compatible than the best will just get even better.
One question on the storm cycle: I set it up for once a day. Will it turn on always at a fixed time (and in this case is the anyway of knowing what time is that) or will it be random each day?

If for example you set it for every day, the first cycle will be 24 hours after you uploaded it to the unit.