7096 Issue


New member
Channel 1 - 6105
Channel 2- 6055
Channel 3- empty
Channel 4- Wavebox

Channel 1- Power 70/30
Channel 2- Power 100/30

6 Hour interval, the issue is during the 6 hour interval the secondary channel who suppose to be off, actually powers on and off and creates a knocking noise of the tunze powerhead in the tank. It can be quite loud and happens about once every few minutes.

I verified it and it happens on both channels, when the other power head is running it 6 hour interval mode.

What do I need to look at?
Going to provide more info:

Interval of the knock is also counting down:

It is Every 23 Seconds hour 1
it is Every 22 Seconds Hour 2
It is Every 21 Seconds Hour 3
It is Every 20 Seconds Hour 4
it is Every 19 Seconds Hour 5
it is Every 18 Seconds Hour 6

The 6105 knock was easy to hear very loud, you can see the impleller move but it stops almost like jammed.

The 6055 does it also but it not as loud.

These are all new units less then a week old.

Wavebox not effected by what I can tell.

They all run normally in thier 6 hour mode when they are suppose to be on.
It sounds like the Fish Care function, every 20 seconds the pumps turn for a fraction of a second to scare fish away from entering the pump while it is off. The click will subside with time as the pumps wear in, if it does not we need to send you a disk for each pump, these are shims that go at the bottom of the shaft under the drive unit to reduce the clapping noise from the coil being energized. This would be rarely needed on a 6055, both pumps will make a mild clicking sound normally in Fish Care as that is part of the feature, it is designed to keep fish from going into a pump.