7096 moon light


New member
this is more of an observation than anything, but lately ive upgraded my DIY LED lights and added in a PWM controller for a more realistic dawn dusk affect. i noticed when the lights are barely on the moon light on the tunze was pulsating as if it didnt know if it should stay on or off. good thing i dont have my pumps set on a moon cycle but i imagine for anyone that uses that function, it might create some problems.

i might need to relocate the light onto my light fixture so it wont be confused by the dim LEDs.

also, is it possible to splice in a plug for the moon light? obviously if i mount the moon light to the light fixture, i wouldnt be able to take the light off the tank to service the light. i suggest instead of hard wiring it into the controller, there should be a plug for the light. just my opinion...

but anyways, i love my 7096, i need to get my hands on a 6095 to replace my bulky 6100
On the 7096, if you undo the screw that is centered on one side, the unit hinges open and internally you can unplug the photocell/ LED.