7096 or Apex?


Premium Member
I had my mind set to run my 6201's off of my 7096 as from what I understood, it has more functionality than a controller, say the Apex.

Someone in my local club (upon hearing I wouldn't use anything but a Tunze product to control Tunze's) said this:

"On my Tank, my Apex controls all my halides and VHOs, monitors Ph/Temp/ORP, main pump, skimmer pump, sump light, and heater. And controls my Tunze better than the 7096 controller. It has built in Aquasurf."

If I were to purchase a controller for my system, which I'm still unsure of at the moment, you'd run the Tunze equipment off of a Tunze 7096 rather than a controller correct?

I haven't used the Apex so I am not in a position to say. I think we have a better interface that is simpler to use, but I believe the Apex can do more but you sort of have to learn how to program it, it isn't as simple as a screen you click the mouse on some arrows and icons. At least that has been what I have heard, again, I have never used one. All in one controllers have made great strides in recent years but we have always been reluctant to build one because you essentially have one device that if it fails, everything fails, and we lean toward the idea that it is better to keep things seperate, a tank may survive a temp swing but add a temp swing and another failure and that may be the end of the tank. On the other hand what usually wipes out these gadgets is power surges and water damage and usually even with multiple controllers, they will all fry at once in most cases.