7096 Software Install


Active member
Hi Roger:

Ran into some problems installing the 7096 software on my XP pc. The software installs with a error from the AVR bootloader.

I have downloaded the latest version from Tunze.

The software seems to be working as I can connect changes things and upload to the 7096. Just curious as to what the error is and has it been installed fully?

21.12.09-18:17:24-338 > connects
21.12.09-18:17:24-369 > Connecting on port COM16...
21.12.09-18:17:24-681 > Device connected
21.12.09-18:17:24-681 > Process commandline...
21.12.09-18:17:24-681 > connects
21.12.09-18:17:24-681 > Program...
21.12.09-18:17:24-681 > execute compiled data
21.12.09-18:17:24-681 >
21.12.09-18:17:24-681 > selected options in compiled file:
21.12.09-18:17:24-681 > - programming FLASH
21.12.09-18:17:24-681 > - FLASH data are encrypted
21.12.09-18:17:24-681 > - erase FLASH during programming
21.12.09-18:17:24-713 > Error: Installed software version is higher as the update
21.12.09-18:17:24-853 > Device disconnected
I am not that knowledgeable about computers, perhaps someone with more knowledge can chime in.
Thanks Roger. Software seems to work fine despite the install errors, but I am not sure if the firmware for the 7096 is being updated properly. Is there someone in Germany I could e-mail.

p.s. Great product, from my limited timeplaying around with it I am quite impressed. I could not get my wavebox to produce a decent wave with the single controller. With the 7096 and it's wavebox auto increment feature I know have a double wave dialed in!!



The software developer is a sub contractor and not in house so I don't have an email for him, but a new version as well as Mac software will be out very soon, by March most likely and this update should fix any issues and add some new features, it will be a free download on the site.
Looks like an encryption error. Could be firewall settings on your computer. Maybe I should buy one of them to figure it out. Roger cut me a good deal. LOL
I actually had the same problem last week and played around with it quite a bit and found the solution was pretty simple. All I had to do was go to the port settings, set it to an unused Com port and set flow control to Xon/Xoff. I am still puzzled by why this happened, I use the 7096 on an iMac running VMware and Vista. It had been truly plug and play up until this time but for what ever reason Vista was assigning it to Com port 7 and I don't think the program was capable of searching that high as I watched it scroll through Com1, Com2, Com3 and then give the no unit found message. I found Com3 was the iSight camera and I didn't need that so I selected that port. Xon/Xoff seemed to be the critical difference as the default was flow control-none.
Hi Guys,

Sorry to dig up an old thread.

Whats the latest (current) version of Firmware for the 7096 controller and associated software?

I currently have installed, but if there is a newer version that supports other modes such as the Vortcehs Reefcrest and lagoon mode, Ramping up/down, etc I'd love to upgrade.


What you have is still current. I just asked about the update and it will be out very soon, the Mac version should be available to download on Tunze.com next week and by the first week of October the new Windows as well as an updated Mac version with a feature we refer to as idle speed which roughly replicates Interval 2 on the 7095 will be added.
What you have is still current. I just asked about the update and it will be out very soon, the Mac version should be available to download on Tunze.com next week and by the first week of October the new Windows as well as an updated Mac version with a feature we refer to as idle speed which roughly replicates Interval 2 on the 7095 will be added.

Thanks Roger.

Any chance they are (or will be ) working on different modes similar to the Vortech controllers?

Seems like a pity to have such great pumps and never realise their true potential at creating "random" currents.
I have never owned or used a Vortech so I don't really know what those modes do but I would be reasonably certain that our controller can do it, it just has a different name. I can't really imagine after the upgrade to add the idle feature there is anything further that could be added. The Vortech description of what the mode does is a bit vague, if you could tell me what you are trying to have the pumps do I could likely tell you how to set it up on our controller.
Thanks Roger,

The 2 modes I'd be after are the reefcrest and Lagoon mode.

Basically they create a random variable speed over say a 5 minuteinterval. If you were to graph the speed .vs time it would look like a mountain range. I'm sure there online manual would have the details to explain it better.

I've found this online pic which does a reasonable job of representing the pump speed vs. time.


My understanding of the 7096 is it switches between speed A (say 100%) and B (say 60%), regardless of the mode - more akin to a square wave.

Does this make sense?

Yes, you are looking for a randomly variable speed mode, we don't have such a mode but I will suggest it. I am not sure I see the point as from my experience natural flow is fairly constant and rhythmic with variations being sharper as waves wash in and tides change but it can probably be added though I wouldn't expect anything for many months.
Your idea went over well and we will start working on it next week, it may come sooner than I expected. Our planned implementation will be a bit different though, you will set a minimum and maximum speed and the number of seconds and the pump will accelerate and decelerate through that range at a set number of seconds. This can be broken up by storm mode for some randomness. It won't be identical but should give a variation of the feature you want. I still expect it will take some months to program and add but it got a positive reception, enough so that the programmer has already been given an order to make it.

Roger is away this week, your are really keen on this upgrade as am I.

I will keep at Axel for a release.


Roger is away this week, your are really keen on this upgrade as am I.

I will keep at Axel for a release.


Thanks Graeme,

Yeap - I'm super keen. IMO this was the main area where the Vortechs beat the Tunze. Since switching I haven't looked back, but geeez I wish I had this.

You'll find a similar post on RTAW :-)

