75 Gallon Salt Water Fish Tank, Skimmers, Sumps, Pumps, Powerheads, more


New member
Recently shut down my tank, moving soon, selling all of my tank related stuff. Not parting out at this point, really want to sell all at once. I'm including everything I have:

75 gallon tank, iron stand, glass top - not up and running, shut down 3 months ago

1-Acrylic sump (3 compartments) with overflow box, two u-tubes, pvc piping w/quick disconnects and ball valves

1-Acrylic trickle sump (2 compartments) with all tubes etc

Coralife light w/fan, 4 t5 bulbs, moon lights
-extra 48" Hamilton fluorescent tube light w/remote ballast
-extra 24" vho light

Bubble Magnus NAC7 skimmer w/pump

Reef Octopus dual backpack skimmer - excellent hob skimmer, great condition, needs pumps
CPR single hob skimmer, needs pump
Red Sea Berlin X2 turbo skimmer, needs pump

Spectrapure 75gpd RODI with new resin and cartridges

BRS Dual Carbon/GFO reactor, with new cartridges, some media, new cobalt powerhead

Deep blue 850gph triton 3 pump
Mag 12 main water pump

JBJ Ocean pulse duo wave maker

Acela powerhead asp1-1000
Korilia Evo powerhead, 1050gph
Korilia Evo powerhead, 850gph

Marine land hot magnum filter
Marine land Bio wheel power filter
Rena filstar xp2 filter with all accessories, baskets filter pads, and Rena inline smart heater

3 filter socks
HM digital TDS meter
2 auto feeders (1 ehem)
New 200w preset heater, 300w Hydor submersible heater
two thermometers
Coralife deep six hydrometer
Instant ocean salt, 3 50 gallon bags
A few 5 gallon water buckets
Bucket of bioballs
Whisper 20 air pump
Small and large cleaning magnets/Mag float
Misc fittings, nets, cleaning tubes, corraffix gel, etc
Cupramine, prazipro, prime, stability
Test kits: salifert magnesium, seachem nitrite, nutrafin kh/gh, Red Sea calcium, seachem copper, seachem ph&alkalinity, Api calcium, Api copper, seachem phosphate, Api multi test
Variety of fresh and frozen foods, algae clips
Battery powered air pump with air disc for power failure
Battery operated water alarm

$750 takes all...


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Hey - I'm really trying to sell the whole lot, I have to clear it all out... but, if i do part out, what are you interested in?

I'd be interested in:

Auto Feeder
Air Pump
Both Heaters
BRS Dual Reactor and things,
the food and clips

and that might be it