75g reef stocking


New member
I just finished my aquascape the way I like it. I want it to be a softie/LPS reef, I'm not comfortable with the high light demand corals because I'm not comfortable with spending a ton of money on lights. I'm not even done on the light, I have the MarineOrbit LED marine bar. The one zoa garden I have is doing well, but I'm going to make a canopy and mount 2 T5 lamps on the ends just to be safe. So my lights are going to be ~$350, which is more than I would like to spend.
Now that I'm done with my light rant...

My idea for coral stock:
- an assortment of zoas for 2 gardens.(In the image, the gardens are on the far left island and the dead coral/rock in the middle of the tank)
- Toadstool Mushroom Leather
- Kenya Tree
- Green Toadstool
- Hammer coral

My fish stock idea:
- 2 Occelaris Clowns (already have)
- Yellow tailed damsel (already have)
- Firefish
- Goby and Shrimp Pair
- Bicolor Blenny
- Royal Baslet
- Kole Yellow Eye Tang (maybe)
- 3 Banggai Cardnialfish (not sure on how many)

Any suggestions or concerns?


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And, with that background showing a few wiry lines, a black probe like stuff hanging. A whitish clear background and some more rocks to add to the number of hideouts is what I would like if it were mine.

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You may be aware of this but I thought I might make a mention here. As far as light is concerned, it helps in re-creating the the time of the day for the fish. They may feel safer in wandering about the tank if they knew it wasn't really dusk or dawn all the time as that is what it might be for them if I had some not so bright lights.
Dusk is the time they know they should be getting ready to head for their cozy beds and stop lingering about if they wanted to stay out of the mouths of the night goers who begin to step out at this time at the ocean reefs. Bright lights enough to simulate the afternoon time helps in keeping them feel like it's safe to dash around.
It's just that psychological thing.
And cheap DIY or LED lights from the hardware store are bright enough for that.

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Ocellaris Clowns Good, only get captive bred ones.

Royal Gramma Good

Yellowtail Damsel Good, I guess Chrysiptera genus damsels are a bit more peaceful than the others.

Firefish Good but they jump a lot, do you intend to get a screen top?

Goby and Shrimp pair Good, if I were you I would get a Yellow Watchman or some other Watchman Goby of the Cryptocentrus genus due to their long lifespan.

Kole Eye Yellow Tang This is me, but I have to agree with the Tang police that you should not put a Tang in a tank of your size.

Banggai Cardinals I think 3 would work, but make sure to only get captive bred ones.

If your tank is at least 3’, maybe one of the Cherub angels or a Fisher’s if you can find it.

Here’s how I’d do your tank:

x2 Ocellaris Clowns

x1 Yellowtail Blue Damsel

x1 Royal Gramma

x1 Yellow Watchman Goby + Pistol Shrimp

x1 Atlantic Cherub / African Flameback Angel

x1 Bicolor Blenny

x3 Banggai Cardinalfish
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The picture of the tank is full day-light, it ramps up and down, so I already have that covered.

The tank is 4' long, not 3'. It is a standard 75g tank

I'll put a black background to hide the equipment later.

On live aquaria, they recommend a minimum of 70g for the kole yellow eye tang, I really want an algae-eating fish, I was seriously debating on a yellow tang, but after some research, I dropped the yellow tang from my list. In other online forums, people recommend bristle tooth tangs.

I'm afraid of getting angelfish, I don't want to give a fish an expensive snack.

I forgot to include the torch coral, I'll be getting at least one.

I also want a centerpiece fish, I don't want 10 different types of fish and they are be the same size, I would like a little size difference.
Where are you located? I have a lot of the things you're wanting, like zoas and leather/ Kenya tree.

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If you still absolutely say no tang, then what to replace it with? I like the idea of a school a Chromis, but I hear that they kill each other until there are only 2 left.

The pictures attached are not representative of how blue it looks, it is "white" looking, the blues aren't that strong.
The more purple one is the sunset, whites almost off, blues somewhat strong, Red is strong, Green is very little.


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When you get ready for the livestock, pm me and I'll send you some pics of what I have.

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ok, ill send a dm.
Any fish recommendations?

I'm dead set on:
2 clowns (because I have them already:spin3:)
Yellow tail damsel
Watchman goby and pistol shrimp
Bicolor blenny.

I'm looking for a larger fish, 5"+
If you have an idea, let me know!
I agree, no tang. That seems like a heavy bioload but if your export is squared away you might do well; all depends. Hide the wires and put up a black background. Get rid of the hydrometer and get a refractometer. Point your voyager down a little or point it at the other one.

I agree with adding torch corals. Love em.
I have about 30 baby cardinals, the Royal Gramma is a beautiful choice, bi-color blenny is only good if covered, they tend to jump out if not.

I love tangs, if I could only have one though it would be a hippo tang, but yellow tangs do a great job at eating algae.

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