75g tank stocking questions?


New member
Hey everyone, this is my first tank ever (salt or fresh) but i really need some help on my fish stocking list. I am new to the hobby so i do not really know many fish personalitites or anything. the reason i am only listing fish is becuase i am just going to get whatever frages i can as i am a poor college student and cannot afford LFS prices.


- True Percula
- Smaller True Percula
- Black and White Heniochus
- Copperbanded Butterfly or Longnose Butterfly
- Yellow Watchman Goby
- Naso Tang or Powder Blue Tang or Yellow Tang
- Other suggestions

feel free to remove fish and add them depending on what you all would think would suit better. Also i want alot of movement and a very fun and pretty fish to look at. Are any of the fish i listed fun to watch or should i get something else? firefish, wrasse, dwarf angel?

Thanks in advance, Mike
Will this be a reef tank with corals? Most Heniochus will eat corals (the exception is the H. diphreutes).
The copperband or longnose are both nice fish, but they will eat feather dusters.
The Naso and Powder Blue tangs both get too large/aggressive for a 75g IMO.

Other fish you might consider
royal gramma
dwarf angels

yeah, this will be a reef tank will corals eventually, but will be very slow to acquire them. i dont like chromis so they are out of the question, but i have thought about a dwarf angel of some sort- what kind do you think? wow its a good thing i didnt get a heniochus, i thought they were reef safe, guess not. also what about royal grammas, are they nice fish? good personality?

thanks, Mike