7901, Sequential Mode, and three stream pumps...


New member

Question for you - the 7901 manual always states it needs a pump plugged into port #1 at the very least for the various wave action modes it supports.

I wanted to use sequential mode, or if that isn't the right word, then 1, 1+2, 1+2+3, and lastly 1+2+3+4, rinse and repeat. According to the instructions, this means that pump one will not cycle off.

What I'd really like to do is plug in my three 6100's into ports 2-4, and rely on the system recirculation as the constant factor. What are your thoughts about this? If it's a non-working scenario, then is there a way to make a dummy plug that will fool the 7901 into thinking there is a pump into port #1?

Thanks in advance
It is not possible, since port 1 is what powers the unit. I think it would be rather involved to make a dummy power supply and don' know how and frankly they wouldn't tell me if I asked.
Well... that is lame of them. Warrantee is almost up, will crack it open and let you know how to build one then...


J --