7905/6000 install question


Premium Member
I just installed the first of two 6000 streams using the 7095 multicontroller - up till this point I was scared that the flow would be too much for my relatively new sandbed. NO! And so far, this setup rocks.

BUT - I do have an important question - on the driver, there is a mechanical adjustment to take power anywhere from 30 to 100 percent. So, If I set this at 50 percent and adjust the power at the multicontroller to 30 percent - am I ultimately getting 50 of 30 = 15 percent?
yes, but if i wanted less power is this a possibility?

dragon_slayer said:
with the controller connected you should have the driver at 100%

the controller then drives the desired % of output.

i'll let Roger make a comment but in my included instructions they do nor recommend anything less then 100% on the driver unit when a controller is employed.

It is my understanding that you could damage the driver if you manually decrease it from 100%. Just let the controller do the work!
Actually the driver was redone about 9 months ago so the multicontroller automatically overrides any driver setting so it isn't possible to cause any damage this way.