80 gallon bowfront ??


New member
I have a friend who has a bowfront aquarium he wants to sell me. He thinks it's an 80 gallon, and I can't find any information on 80g tanks.....does anyone have one that's actually 80 gallons or is it most likely a 72 gallon Bow??

Anyone who has either, could you post the dimensions of these tanks and any pros cons with them. Are they difficult to aquascape like a 55 or more close to a 75??

Thanks for any info, I've been searching the web for a while and can't find too much good info. Thanks again.
its probably a 72g unless its custom made the dimmensions would be 48x18(bow)12 inches on the sidex22 hard to aquascape the 75 is amuch better choice its 18inches in width the whole tank so makes it little more easier to aquascape
Thanks, that's kind of what I was thinking. I guess if it's cheap enough, maybe I could do a FO tank with it.
I got rid of my 72 bow for a couple of reasons. I thought it was difficult to aquascape and when you looked into the tank it had a dizzing effect because of the bow. I am much,much happier with my rectangular tank.
I guess this kind of confirms my supision of bowfronts......If it's the right price, I will use it for a FO tank ...

Thank you, I wondered what "reefers" thought of bowfronts.
if it was bigger bowfront i think they looked great i just didnt like my 72 cause the more i was on here it just wasent suitable so i finally got my 280 now i see all these 600 gallons am im like ..... now i gotta go even bigger but not for a few years
Probably a 90. It was a Euro style, with curved sides, 45 degree sides, and flat back. Had one for about 7 years. Mine was not reef ready (drilled) and had a HOB skimmer on squared back side.

