80x30x30 LED supplemented Sun lit reef


New member
There's no turning back now! In the last year I have become consumed by this hobby. I have gone from converting a 29 gallon fresh water setup to a reef tank, to this monster project. Here are a few pics along the way.

29 gallon

65 gallon

125 gallon sun lit half circle

yesterdays work

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I, like many new reefers, love the big fish. I plan to keep a variety of corals, from zoanthids to acropora. My two favorite things are clams and large angelfish. I realize that I'm asking for trouble by going down this path, but I just can't help it. Tangs are also on the list (sailfin, hippo, achillies, clown, naso, to name a few.) I plan to use an automatic feeder and AquaC EV-1000 to keep things in check. I have a 150 gallon mangrove/fuge sump that will also help things along. The goal of the this system is to defy all odds, as far as efficiency goes at least.
That's hilarious... I can't believe you got her to actually dress in a mermaid outfit AND get in the tank full of water.

What's your equipment list?

The return pump is a Dolphin Amp Master 4200/3600 plumbed with 2" pond flex to 2, 1 1/2" bulkheads near the center. There are 2, 2" drains one in each overflow box. One running full siphon with a valve and the other set a little higher as a safety. The skimmer is an AquaC EV-1000 that I plumbed with another Dolphin Amp Master pump. Both of those pumps are super efficient and the companies service can't be beat. The lighting is also put together with efficiency in mind. There are two 14" directed sunlight tubes, and three led panels to fill in the actinic and keep everything happy in the winter. The outer panels are 60 watt 1 to 1 ratio, 12000k whites and 460nm blues. The center panel is a 120 watt, 1 to 1 with 16000k whites and a mix of 440nm and 453nm blues. I'm using a RK2 to control the lights, heater, calcium reactor, flow, and a high velocity cooling fan. The sump is 72x24x20 and has another 60 watt panel for a frag system, and about 60 watts of led for the fuge with mangroves. I have about 100 pounds of rock in the sump and 300 for the display.
A friend brought over a PAR meter last night. I'm waiting for the sun to break out right now. Of course today is overcast. Ryan, your build is one of my inspirations. Thank you for all of your documentation.
Maybe, I bought it used for $30 and the guy didn't know much about it. He said it was 45 watts. It has 90 diodes, all with optics. It's one of those indoor grow panels. I was worried about having too much red in the spectrum, so I put one Ecoxotic Panorama strip on each side. They are the ones with 8 white and 4 blue on each strip. I already had them and ended up with the extra 60 watt panel for the frag system. I run all 129 watts of led on the sump for 16hrs a day opposite the tank lights. It's kind of an experiment.
Oh yeah, the par meter my friend brought over is a home made type. Today was a nice sunny day and the numbers were a little low. The top of the rocks are 100 to 150 unless the meter is in the direct sunlight then it jumps to about 350 towards the top and 250 on the sand in the shimmering light. The intense shimmering spots move around the tank as the sun passes over throughout the day.