9010 skimmer question...


I purchased a compact 16 kit and have had it up and running for two weeks now.

A couple of questions:

- I keep seeing discussions about how this skimmer should be sitting on feet when used in a sump: mine doesn't have feet... well, actually the sucker things came with it but they were attached to the side of the unit. The base of the skimmer doesn't even have attachment points for feet (fwiw, neither does the filter unit...).

- I also read about how this skimmer comes with a sort of standpipe when used in a sump: mine doesn't have that...

So did I receive a skimmer with the compact kit that is meant for in tank use as opposed to in sump? The skimmer is working but not pulling that much out (about 1 cm a week?).

Thanks for your help!

The skimmer 9010 when used in kit 16 does not include a stand pipe or the feet, it is used in a modifed way between the two installation methods. It has the higher performance of the sump version, but without all the parts because the sump keeps the proper water level due to the partition.

Is the tank very new with not many inhabitants?
The tank is new, 200l (55g), 45kg (100lbs) live rock added two weeks ago, now has detrivores (snails, hermit crabs, peppermint shrimps) and 4x soft corals...

Tank is doing fine, water is crystal clear, all levels fine.

I cleaned the skimmer cup yesterday and afterwards noticed that the bubbles aren't reaching higher than the base of the cup in the riser tube (seems to have been higher before). Adjusting screw is 3 turns out.

When I read about the base plate having feet in order to push up on the base plate I thought that may be why the bubbles aren't rising any higher. Shouldn't they be rising to the level where they start overflowing into the cup itself?

Many thanks!
Not if there is not anything to skim, I would think that if the rock is cured and you only have some small detritivores, this may be normal. I would open the screw 1/2 to one more turn.