9011 Skimmer Sump option or submerged ?

bad inferno

New member

I wanted to know what the most efficient installation for these 9011 skimmers are. My sump level quite high and is very close to the marking on the side of the skimmer (actually 1/2" lower than the mark) if I lower the skimmer within the sump.

So do I keep with an elevated skimmer within the sump and run the sump tube/foam option (current installation) or revert to the standard installation and simply lower the skimmer in my sump. ?

I ask this as I am still suffering from a small amount of annoying microbubbles as well, although the tank has only been setup for 4-5 weeks

You will get the least microbubbles in submerge mode without the sumpkit and the shutter partially to fully closed. You will get the highest performance with the sumpkit.