9410 on a 24" cube


New member
I have a 60 gal mixed reef (heavy in the SPS) I have had an octo recirc 200 on it for ages. Left over from my last much larger tank. It really didin't skim. I feel there just wasn't enough organics to produce a decent head for the neck size. I would really like a Tunze skimmer for this tank. IS the 9410 going to be overkill and not skim consistently?
Input appreciated.
I have a tank that is about the same size (65 gal) with the 9410. I wrote a short review about a year ago.


I am still pleased with the skimmer. I very much agree with your position on oversized skimmers having been down that road several times (very high end skimmers not skimming because they are too big for the system).

The 9410 skims consistently on my tank but I believe I am at the lower end of system size. I dose vinegar which helps support the foam head. I also skim wet.

The volume of air available for the small body and neck diameter allow this skimmer to be slightly oversized and still work.

My favorite feature is the foam extractor. I have not used the skimmer cup except for the first couple of months I owned it. The extractor allows me to skim wet, not worry about overflowing, and be pretty lazy or travel for a couple of weeks.

In summary, the 9410 should skim fairly consistently on you tank depending on organics load and your perference for wet v. dry skim. If seeing a little cup of dark skimmate every day is your preference, you may want to look for a smaller skimmer.