a 240 gallon


New member
i am planing out a 240 gallon reef for next year ( never plan too much ahead lol)
i would like to have some sps, lps, and softies but not that much of either becasue i want to have more fish in this tank.

the problem with my 75 gallon now with me using regular powerheads is that theres alot of flow around my rocks but all kinds of **** gets caught under or in my rocks.
idk what kind of flow i will have in there yet but i was thinking a sea swirl for one of the returns and then a mag .. something for the other..
i was thinking of putting the 6060 in there and aim it more at the rocks??? would that work good or how should i do it?
i need this to be very ummm cost conservative im only 16 going on 17 now and i am not going to have that much money to spend on all this after buying the tank and everything
thanks alot
The 6060 will increase the flow which will be of some help but in the case of constant flow from one direction you will always form eddies where detritus can accumulate. The only 100% solution is going to be a wavebox and a 6000 with a multicontroller. I know that isn't in your budget but it is the truth. A 6060 will be an improvement but not a complete solution.
i was also thinking of making like a closed loop with the returns coming out under the rocks pushing the water from under/inside the rocks outward so none of the stuff would get caught under there.

i got this idea from that guy that has the 850 gallon .. he set up something like that..

if i had that set up on there for taking care of the stuff under and around the rocks.. would the 6060 help blowing all the other stuff around... like is it worth buying ???
thanks russ
Then yes it would work, but I would ask if you can honestly install and run a closed loop for less than the wavebox which I promise would do the job. Closed loops are extremely energy inefficient and the long term cost of electricity should be considered.
well idk if i will be able to do either then lol

but then if i do it your way how would i set it up and around how much?
thanks russ
it would be for the 240 8*2*2
with about 300# of live rock
and 200 or a little more of sand.
most likely going to be a glass tank
( i dont have any of the stuff yet .. im just planing ahead)
OK, the 6060 is definitely two small. The 6080 could work as a cheaper alternative. I thought this was for the 75.

I would say the ultimate would be a wavebox, 2 6100 Streams and a 7095 controller. The wavebox would lift and suspend the detritus and the 6100's will sweep it away. The total cost would be about $1200 but you could start with just 1 6100 and have a fair amount of flow, enough to sustain most animals and then just piece a set together.
yea i was thinking something along the lines of peicing one together.
also idk if this matters or not but i would have more fish in this tank then i will have coral.... its a nice size tank so i would have a few sps, lps, and softies and such ... but not one of them all out ones you see with 30 different kinds of acro lol

you dont think i would just be ok with the 1 6100? beside that in the tank i would have the return from my sump with one of the returns probably having a sea swirl( sorry idk how much it will be yet but i guess however much a 240 rr can handel)

also i dont get what the wavebox is for.... on the tank i want to run the skimmer from aqua c the 180 model
You could use just one 6100 but when you have flow from just one direction detritus tends to pile up in the far corner. A Sea Swirl can't handle more than 1000gph- that is the 1" model.

Run a search for wavebox, their is at least 30 pages of stuff already here including videos.