A couple quick questions


Premier World Traveler
I may be picking up a couple of used 6100s. I already have 1 with a single controller, and will be swapping a Vortech I have for the two I'm looking at. My intent is to control them with an AquaSurf so I can get a nicer wave/tide action going in my 120.

I hadn't seen the 7096 controller until today, short of having everything neatly supervised by my ACIII, I wonder what some other pros and cons may be for each option?

Also, is ther anything specific to look for on a used 6100? Again I'm generally familiar with the pump since I already have one, but...

On the Tunze website I didn't find 6100s in the quick look I took, are they out of production? I did see props for them are listed.

Anything anyone has to add is welcome, I consider myself a noob to the Tunze world since the one I have has been used as an awsome power head since I got it a couple years ago...

TIA, Tim
Yes the 6100 was discontinued in June 2007, the current version is the 6105. I don't follow or test other controllers, I probably should but I just haven't had the time so I am not in a place to compare one to the other. I am sure there are some hobbyists who could give more info on this topic.