a few new photos


New member
yeah yeah i still have a crummy camera. and yes i have aptasia everywhere. the pepermints are doing their job and i don't have any joe's juice.







Cool. I have not seen Montipora spongodes in that table (swirl) form before.
Everything looks like it is growing nicely.
thanks. yeah i thought the pattern on the spongodes was pretty weird too after seeing how it grows in other people's tanks.

i just need to get some juice or a butterfly to take care of these aptasia. i think they have exploded cause of the roofbooster prodibio i'd been adding. i'm cutting back on that stuff now.
They are very reclusive and do their work at night. Assuming they have not been eaten you'll noticed one day that all of the sudden mist of the anemones are gone and soon after that you'll not see any.
well that's how the emerald's took care of the bubble algae. now i only have a little patch on a sump return where the crabs can't reach.

but still, you got one of those cb butterflies out for sale yet? i might come down tomorrow and pick one up.
shrimps have always done the job for me. I got some rock about 4 months ago and it had a few aiptaisia on every piece, not a one to be found now.