A few new pics of some of my corals.


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Things are going well for the most part besides a few distressed acros. Sadly it's one of my favorites that's hurting, the hawkins blue, but I have hopes I can stop the TN and it will make a full recovery. Growth is starting to pick up now and some of my corals are actually big enough to get a semi clear photo with my cheap point and shoot. Getting kind of cramped now so hopefully a tank upgrade won't be too far away :D . After a month and a half of running the radium 20k I've decided to revert back to the phoenix 14k as I think it suites my tank better. The increased growth was awesome though and in only a 1.5 months some of my corals exploded that were stagnant under the old, dimmed phoenix.

Well here a few shots taken today. Please don't mind the putty, I had to add some turbos to take care of a red turf algae problem and those things are little bulldozers, lol. Happy to report they do a phenomenal job on the turf; my rocks are looking like rocks again instead of the horrible red fuzz look.


PL and shades of fall-finally found the SOF happy place and it stopped bubbling at the tip after repeated chopping of it.






Might have a few more later. Hope you enjoyed

In that pic closest to you is the ATL christmas Mirabilis acropora with the maroonish polyps, and the one above it with the green base and purple tips is the LE ponape rainbow acropora rosaria.
Very nice collection you got there. I really like the Sandollar monti...That Mirabilis really looks similar to Rommels Rainbow acro :)
Volcom- thanks a lot! I'm really pleased with the colors I'm getting out of some of the corals. I recently retrofitted a 24w t5HO giesemann pure actinic and I must say actinic supplementation really makes things pop; plus the added benefit of running only actinic is pretty mind blowing. I had missed the actinic effect for sure.

reeferpnoy- Thanks!! That means a lot coming from you as you have one of the best collections out there. I always enjoy gawking at pictures of your awesome corals. The sand dollar is defnitely one of my favorites in the tank, and and added bonus is it seems to be super hardy and a very fast grower!

Funny you mention it but when I bought the Mirabilis at Atlantis I thought it could be the Rommels Rainbow acro but was not sure as Ming wasn't there that day. All I knew was that it was a gorgeous acro with intense, maroonish, pink polyps and that it was defnitely coming home with me! The following Monday the exact frag I bought was added to Atlantis's website under precut frag section labled as the christmas Mirabilis.

While I was up there I was eying another small acro frag but didn't have the dough on me to swing 2 frags that day. I went up there a couple weekends later and they still had it so I grabbed it. I'm beginning to think it could possibly be the Rommels Watermelon Acro; another coral I've been looking for. It's the small frag to the left of the lime in the sky, above the Mirabilis and below the ponape rainbow, in the 4th pic down. What do you think? Do you have any more pics of your Rommels watermelon acro that you could share? Feel free to post it here I don't mind. I'm going to e-mail a pic to Ming and see what he says it is. Whatever it is it's definitely moving up my favorite list by the day.
That def. looks like the rommels watermelon to me. I def. need to get the lime in the sky and i think that might be on my next to get list.
Thanks! For the most part now a days he is a model reef citizen. He did go through some spells of LPS nipping, mainly acans and micros and the occasional SPS nip. He used to have a fascination with the pink sand dollar but seems to have gotten over it. I keep him pretty well fed as you can see he is pretty thick.
Yes sir, another favorite of mine that is really peaking out right now. I just wish I could get my RHCPM to come back to it's old glory. For some reason it went brown in the middle but the rim and growth edge remain vibrant as ever; plus the thing gorws lke a weed so I'm stumped.
I really like that Montipora setosa does it grow pretty fast? i was thinking about spending the money(saw a small frag for about $100) to buy a piece of that online because i can't seem to be able to find stuff like that in our shipments unless we get really lucky! Is that also a sunset Monti?
The setosa grows really fast for me but I guess it is supposed to be a slow grower. You should take a trip up to Atlantis rather then online; Ming has all the goodies and then some. I paid 80 in person for my setosa and it was huge frag composed of three chunks as he cut it for me fresh. I sold one of the chunks to Justin to make some of the $ back as I spent a ton that day lol.

Yeah that's a sunset that I've had forever. The thing is taking off right now.

When I first got it, couldn't even tell what it was lol.

another shot. Pink lemonade is also in this shot. It's the purplish thing on the plug next to the sunset
I don't know which coral you're talking about, but I definitely dont' see a hydnophora in that pic. Those are some furry acros, don't get me wrong, but I think he has better sense than to put a hydno in such a nice SPS tank :P

(sorry, i'm just bitter because I've had a hydno and a pavona cactus in my SPS tank, and they grow out and sting and kill my nice SPS.)
Mikigo-Thanks! You defnitely speak the truth haha. Tank upgrade is in the works.

OAD-No, in that pic is the LE pink lemonade, shades of fall, blue tenius, rainbow monti, ORA blue tort, and an unknown purple acro of some sort.
I believe you're referencing the ATl shades of fall nasuta. It's the one in between the yellow and blue one.