OAD-Thanks, the shades of fall is defnitely a stunner. It's finally branching after encrusting forever and going through it's bubbling tip phase.
NealNano- Thanks, means a lot!
eagleONE- Sure, no problem. I'll post a little time line and some background info in a little bit. Got to box up some bubls for sale so I can beat the UPS guy.
Melev- That's what I believe is an ORA blue tenius. It and the ORA german blue were my very first acropora purchases. I have it in three different locations in my tank and they all differ somewhat from one another. I've had it since ~july 07 and it has been a bullet proof coral. I've fragged it more times then I can count and never have lost a frag. It even thrived under PCs way up high in the tank for over 3 months! So did the german blue but it never looked that great under PC(go figure lol) but grew a ton.
Here are some shots of the coral from way back and now:
That's it on the left next to the german "brown" at the time :lol: that was under PCs.
MS paint showing it's 3 locations.
updated german blue starting to dominate the original mother colony of tenius.
Top down with flash of my favorite piece of the ora tenius.
right after fragging so u can see how it healed from the pic you referenced.
I'll post more in a bit