A few pics from my phone...

How long have you been growing these out? I agree with zn00py. I have some that take off, but it would take most of mine forever to reach those kinds of sizes.
The larger colonies we have had two years or so. The smaller ones were picked up along the way so about a year or more averaged out. Everything was basically small frags to start. The pics of my build thread had a few larger colonies we started with but most of thoes we got rid of or keep in other tanks.
I notice that most will grow slow in the beginning but when they reach a good number in the bunch they start taking off much better. This is why we were not fragging from this tank unless we needed to make room for more growth.
I need to start a new build thread for the new tank, since the shallow tank broke. Thanks for the compliments! :)
Although its already built, you know what i mean... Still trying to get corals where they belong though, hopefully this week it will be done.
beautiful zoas and pic taking. I thought my phone took pretty good pics...those are great. I also wish my zoas would grow like that.
Blackradon i will have to post a new thread for the new tank i setup soon and i will make sure to include a fts.

Stang thanks for the compliment! Hope you enjoy the new thread once i have a chance to take pictures and post it.
No we use broadcast feeding techniques with mixes of food and food supplements. I have changed a few things around since i set up the new tank. I changed things like nutrient export and suppliment methods. So right now we are not feeding like we used to because i pulled the macro algaes from the refugium.