I promised some pictures to the movers - thank you guys for all your help!
The new bulb I'm using (hamilton 13k - I think, Barry?) is proving to be more difficult to photograph than my old radium 20k - a lot more blue.
I've started using RawShooter essentials - a full-featured RAW image editing suite - many more options than the Canon RAW image editing software - now if I just knew how to use it :lol:
In either case - the Green-Tipped Red Bubble-tip anemone whipping back and forth in the flow is something a picture just can't capture - I'll have to record a small movie clip of it soon.

The new bulb I'm using (hamilton 13k - I think, Barry?) is proving to be more difficult to photograph than my old radium 20k - a lot more blue.
I've started using RawShooter essentials - a full-featured RAW image editing suite - many more options than the Canon RAW image editing software - now if I just knew how to use it :lol:
In either case - the Green-Tipped Red Bubble-tip anemone whipping back and forth in the flow is something a picture just can't capture - I'll have to record a small movie clip of it soon.