a few questions on feeding DT's


New member
im thinking about using DT's and have a few questions. tank has been setup about 4 months. 65gallon. 2x175watt MH 10K with 4x95watt VHO actinics. i do a 6 gallon water change every week, and right now i dont dose anything. have a mushroom colony, 3 zoa colonies and a green carpet anemone. any other info you need, let me know. tried using the search feature for these answers, but you know how that goes...

1) how much should i feed? the bottle says 1 tablespoon every other day, but ive learned not to believe everything they put on the sides of the bottle. i was thinking about 3 capfulls every other day, how does that sound??

2) should i turn my skimmer off when feeding? it doesnt say anything on the bottle about doing that, but it kind of make sense if you had too.

3) and finally do i even really need to use it at all? if its going to make my tank (corals, DSB criiters, refugium) healthier then i will. is there something better that i should be feeding my tank? are water changes enough? its going to be a soft coral/zoa's/rics tankany other suggestions or advice you have would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
1. I do twice a week
2. Turn the skimmer off for a few hours
3. I have quite a few filter feeders so I use it. I cant say if everything is growing faster or better color because I have always feed some sort of Phyto. BOL